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Instructions for Downloading
 and Installing


Ordering from the secure store

1. You must first order your registered software to download it. To order go to the HOW TO ORDER page and click the ORDER NOW button to go to the secure web site and order with your credit card.



2. At the SECURE STORE HOME PAGE you can select the item you wish to purchase by clicking the item.


3. After clicking an item you will see the item description. If correct then click the ADD TO CART button to add the selected item to your shopping cart.


4. After you click ADD TO CART you can verify the shopping cart items you have selected and if correct click the CHECKOUT BUTTON


How to Download and Install the Files:

After ordering and checkout is complete you will see the Thank You page (image below).

1. You can elect to:

  • immediately download your software using the DOWNLOAD button on the Thank You page as shown below.
  • Or you can use the link provided in your confirmation email.
  • Or you can later return to the store and login to your account to download your software (see the store site instructions to login to your account at a later time after ordering).

To immediately download your order from the Thank You page:

  1. Click the DOWNLOAD BUTTON on the Thank You page.
  2. When the download is complete your file is shown at the bottom of the Thank You page as shown in the image below. Click the FILE MENU ARROW for a menu with options.
  3. Click OPEN on the menu to run the file you downloaded and begin installing your software.


2a. If you get a security warning, cancel it by selecting Keep from the pop-up menu.


2b. Now select open from the menu (or Double Click file).

2c. If Windows blocks the file select Run Anyway.



2d. If you need to, open your Windows Download folder and run the file.


2e. If you get a warning select Keep Anyway


2f. If you get windows app changes warning select OK.


2g. If you use additional anti-virus software you may need to tell it to TRUST Cadrail using the anti-virus software.


3. The setup will run a few comments and then the Cadrail installation application will start. If needed the Microsoft .Net 3.5 Framework will be installed first. Follow the screen instructions and continue to install the Framework. After the Framework installation completes, the Cadrail Setup program begins. Follow the setup screen instructions to install the Cadrail application.


Note: the images shown are for Windows 10 systems with Edge browser. If you have an earlier version you may see slightly different images. The software or version number shown may be different than your order. Instructions for Windows 7.

Furthermore, Windows may provide other features to organize the software you download into folders etc. See your Windows documentation as needed.


See Also:


You must have the minimum required computer system.







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